• En kjær klassiker som vil ta deg med på en fantastisk reise gjennom historien - til den bibelske kilden til dinosaurer! Vakkert illustrert. Boken er på engelsk.
  • Oppdag hvorfor Noah sannsynligvis bare trengte noen få tusen dyr, og hvordan han og hans familie kunne ha tatt vare på alt livet på Arken under flommen. Boken er på engelsk.
  • Ved å kombinere den nyeste forskningen med nøye bibelsk studie, viser eksperter hvorfor vi kan stole på den bibelske beretningen om Noahs Ark. Vær forberedt på å gi gode svar på dette kontroversielle emnet. Boken er på engelsk.
  • Eksperter innen paleontologi, anatomi, genetikk og gamle bibeltekster undersøker både vitenskapelig bevis og bibelsk historie. De viser at mennesker ikke er i slekt med aper, men ble unikt skapt av Gud i hans bilde. Boken er på engelsk.
  • Har du noen gang hørt den berømte setningen "vitenskap mot bibelen"? Noen sier at vitenskap er det som bygger biler, mobiltelefoner og romraketter. Andre sier at vitenskap er evolusjon. Så hva er vitenskap? Boken er på engelsk.
  • "Endelig får vi vitenskapelige argumenter som viser det vi har trodd lenge - at evolusjonsteorien ikke er en vitenskapelig teori. Dette er en viktig og trosstyrkende bok." - Sten Sørensen - forkynner, forfatter og redaktør
  • The New Answers Book is packed with biblical answers to over 25 of the most important questions on creation/evolution and the Bible. Richly illustrated with photos, charts, and graphs, this book is a must-read for everyone who desires to better understand the world in which they live. Perhaps the most helpful benefit is that each chapter is “stand alone” and can be read in any order. The New Answers Book covers such foundational questions as: What about the gap theory? Where did Cain get his wife? and Is there really a God? It also covers topics like natural selection, death and suffering, plate tectonics, the big bang, the laws of nature, UFOs and extraterrestrials, the alleged dinosaur-to-bird connection, distant starlight, and more. The New Answers Book even has a section on radiometric dating, including the results of the recent R.A.T.E. (Radioisotopes and the Age of The Earth) project, sponsored by the Institute for Creation Research and the Creation Research Society. Featuring 15 authors such as Ken Ham (who also served as general editor), Dr. David MentonDr. Georgia PurdomDr. Tommy MitchellDr. Jason LisleDr. Terry MortensonDr. Monty White, and Paul Taylor, The New Answers Book is sure to be a best seller and a standard reference for years to come. (Supplemental study guide also available.)

    The history of The Answers Book

    Since it was originally compiled more than 20 years ago, and later expanded in three major updates, The Answers Book has been a top-seller among modern apologetic works. It was a book born out of need. “As I traveled and spoke,” says Ken Ham, “I was constantly asked the same important questions everywhere I went. Christians needed a book with concise answers.” Working with associates at the ministry he co-founded in Australia, Ken created a book that answered the top questions about creation/evolution—written in a style laymen could easily understand. The last revised and expanded book was produced in the late 1990s. Since then, several of the questions that were asked at that time have lost their popularity, and new evolutionary claims demand responses to more urgent topics. As a result, numerous experts were again commissioned to create an entirely new book with answers to more questions than ever. The New Answers Book is an excellent addition to any library and beneficial reading for everyone who desires to defend their faith. This book will surely become the standard among creation literature, carrying on the legacy of Ken Ham’s original vision for The Answers Book.

    27 Illustrated Chapters

    1. Is There Really a God? (Ken Ham & Jason Lisle)
    2. Why Shouldn’t Christians Accept Millions of Years? (Terry Mortenson)
    3. Couldn’t God Have Used Evolution? (Ken Ham)
    4. Don’t Creationists Deny the Laws of Nature? (Jason Lisle)
    5. What about the “Gap” & “Ruin-reconstruction” Theories? (Ken Ham)
    6. Cain’s Wife—Who Was She? (Ken Ham)
    7. Doesn’t Carbon-14 Dating Disprove the Bible? (Mike Riddle)
    8. Could God Really Have Created Everything in Six Days? (Ken Ham)
    9. Does Radiometric Dating Prove the Earth is Old? (Mike Riddle)
    10. Was There Really a Noah’s Ark & Flood? (Ken Ham & Tim Lovett)
    11. How Did Animals Spread All Over the World from Where the Ark Landed? (Paul F. Taylor)
    12. What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs? (Ken Ham)
    13. Why Don’t We Find Human & Dinosaur Fossils Together? (Bodie Hodge)
    14. Can Catastrophic Plate Tectonics Explain Flood Geology? (Andrew A. Snelling)
    15. Don’t Creationists Believe Some “Wacky” Things? (Bodie Hodge)
    16. Where Does the Ice Age Fit? (Michael Oard)
    17. Are There Really Different Races? (Ken Ham)
    18. Are ETs & UFOs Real? (Jason Lisle)
    19. Does Distant Starlight Prove the Universe Is “Old”? (Jason Lisle)
    20. Did Jesus Say He Created in Six Literal Days? (Ken Ham)
    21. How Did Defense/Attack Structures Come About? (Andy McIntosh & Bodie Hodge)
    22. Is Natural Selection the Same Thing as Evolution? (Georgia Purdom)
    23. Hasn’t Evolution Been Proven True? (A.J. Monty White)
    24. Did Dinosaurs Turn into Birds? (David Menton)
    25. Does Archaeology Support the Bible? (Clifford Wilson)
    26. Why Does God’s Creation Include Death & Suffering? (Tommy Mitchell)
    27. How Can I Use This Information to Witness? (Ken Ham)
    And a bonus chapter! How to Use Dinosaurs To Spread the Creation Gospel Message (Buddy Davis)
  • People complain about The New Answers Book. They say that it’s so good at giving short, substantive answers that they want more. Well, we listened! In The New Answers Book 2 you’ll find 31 more great answers to big questions for the Christian life. Many view the original New Answers Book as an essential tool for modern discipleship. Both of these books answer such questions as: Can natural processes explain the origin of life? Can creationists be real scientists? Where did Cain get his wife? Is evolution a religion? and more! Featuring 20 authors such as Ken Ham (who also served as general editor), Dr. David MentonDr. Georgia PurdomDr. Tommy MitchellDr. Jason LisleDr. Terry MortensonDr. Monty White, and Paul Taylor, The New Answers Book 2 serves as a great reference and well-rounded faith-defending book. (Supplemental study guide also available.)

    The history of the Answers Book series

    Since it was originally compiled more than 20 years ago, and later expanded in three major updates, The Answers Book has been a top-seller among modern apologetic works. It was a book born out of need. “As I traveled and spoke,” says Ken Ham, “I was constantly asked the same important questions everywhere I went. Christians needed a book with concise answers.” Working with associates at the ministry he co-founded in Australia, Ken created a book that answered the top questions about creation/evolution—written in a style laymen could easily understand. The last revised and expanded book was produced in the late 1990s. One thing is certain—skeptics don’t always ask the same questions, and in today’s skeptical culture, common questions pertaining to the Bible, creation, and evolution are on the rise. As a result, numerous experts were again commissioned to create entirely new books with answers to more questions than ever. The New Answers Book (volume 1) was written in 2006, answering 27 of these often-asked questions. Limiting the number of questions to 27 in the first volume was a difficult task, especially since there were plenty of other common questions that Christians receive—primarily while witnessing to non-Christians. Because we want Christians to witness effectively, we put together The New Answers Book 2. It picks up where The New Answers Book 1 left off. This new volume combines chapters from the book War of the Worldviews, and nearly 20 more of today’s most oft-repeated questions. Volume 2 is an excellent complement to the first book, answering over 30 questions in total. The New Answers Book 2 is designed to give lay Christians answers to false worldviews such as evolution and millions of years that pervade today’s culture! Like The New Answers Book 1, each chapter in volume 2 is a “stand alone” allowing them to be read in any order. The New Answers Book 2 (as well as volume 1) is a must-have addition to any library and essential to have answers to this skeptical age!

    31 illustrated chapters

    1. What Is a Biblical Worldview? (Stacia McKeever & Ken Ham)
    2. What’s the Best “Proof ” of Creation? (Ken Ham)
    3. Are Biblical Creationists Divisive? (Bodie Hodge)
    4. How Old Is the Earth? (Bodie Hodge)
    5. Are There Gaps in the Genesis Geneologies? (Larry Pierce & Ken Ham)
    6. Can Natural Processes Explain the Origin of Life? (Mike Riddle)
    7. Are Mutations Part of the “Engine” of Evolution? (Bodie Hodge)
    8. Did Humans Really Evolve from Apelike Creatures? (Dr. David Menton)
    9. Does the Bible Say Anything about Astronomy? (Dr. Jason Lisle)
    10. Does the Big Bang Fit with the Bible? (Dr. Jason Lisle)
    11. Where Did the Idea of “Millions of Years” Come From? (Dr. Terry Mortenson)
    12. What’s Wrong with Progressive Creation? (Ken Ham & Dr. Terry Mortenson)
    13. Is the Intelligent Design Movement Christian? (Dr. Georgia Purdom)
    14. Can Creationists Be “Real” Scientists? (Dr. Jason Lisle)
    15. How Should a Christian Respond to “Gay Marriage”? (Ken Ham)
    16. Did People like Adam and Noah Really Live Over 900 Years of Age? (Dr. David Menton & Dr. Georgia Purdom)
    17. Why 66? (Brian H. Edwards)
    18. What Was the Christmas Star? (Dr. Jason Lisle)
    19. Is Jesus God? (Dr. Ron Rhodes)
    20. Information: Evidence for a Creator? (Mike Riddle)
    21. Is Evolution a Religion? (Dr. Tommy Mitchell & Dr. A.J. Monty White)
    22. Is the Bible Enough? (Paul Taylor)
    23. Aren’t Millions of Years Required for Geological Processes? (Dr. John Whitmore)
    24. Doesn’t Egyptian Chronology Prove That the Bible Is Unreliable? (Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell)
    25. What about Satan and the Origin of Evil? (Bodie Hodge)
    26. Why Is the Scopes Trial Significant? (Ken Ham & Dr. David Menton)
    27. Isn’t the Bible Full of Contradictions? (Paul F. Taylor)
    28. Was the Dispersion at Babel a Real Event? (Bodie Hodge)
    29. When Does Life Begin? (Dr. Tommy Mitchell)
    30. Do Creationists Believe in “Weird” Physics like Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, and String Theory? (Dr. Danny Faulkner)
    31. Doesn’t the Order of Fossils in the Rock Record Favor Long Ages? (Dr. Andrew Snelling)
    And a bonus chapter! The Biggest Question of All (Dr. David R. Crandall)
  • Are you ready to defend the Bible?

    Do you have answers to the big questions about the Christian faith, evolution, creation, and the biblical worldview? Now, in what is projected to be the final book in the series, you get the important information you need regarding the following topics:

    38 Chapters

    1. Where Was the Garden of Eden Located? (Ken Ham)
    2. What Did Noah's Ark Look Like? (Tim Lovett with Bodie Hodge)
    3. Should Christians Be Pushing to Have Creation Taught in Government Schools? (Ken Ham & Roger Patterson)
    4. What Are "Kinds" in Genesis? (Dr. Georgia Purdom & Bodie Hodge)
    5. How Could Noah Fit the Animals on the Ark and Care for Them? (John Woodmorappe)
    6. Was the Flood of Noah Global or Local in Extent? (Ken Ham & Dr. Andrew A. Snelling)
    7. Is Man the Cause of Global Warming? (Michael Oard)
    8. Did Bible Authors Believe in a Literal Genesis? (Dr. Terry Mortenson)
    9. Do Fossils Show Signs of Rapid Burial? (Dr. John D. Morris)
    10. What about the Similarity Between Human and Chimp DNA? (Dr. David A. DeWitt)
    11. Was There Death Before Adam Sinned? (Ken Ham)
    12. Abortion: Is It Really a Matter of Life and Death? (Paul F. Taylor)
    13. Is the Christian Worldview Logical? (Dr. Jason Lisle)
    14. What about Cloning and Stem Cells? (Dr. Tommy Mitchell & Dr. Georgia Purdom)
    15. How Old Does the Earth Look? (Dr. Andrew A. Snelling)
    16. Does Evolution Have a ... Chance? (Mike Riddle)
    17. What about Eugenics and Planned Parenthood (Dr. Georgia Purdom)
    18. When and How Did the Grand Canyon Form? (Dr. Andrew A. Snelling & Tom Vail)
    19. Does Astronomy Confirm a Young Universe? (Dr. Don B. DeYoung & Dr. Jason Lisle)
    20. How Could Fish Survive the Genesis Flood? (Dr. Andrew A. Snelling)
    21. What about Cosmology? (Dr. Danny Faulkner)
    22. Did Life Come from Outer Space? (Dr. Georgia Purdom)
    23. Did the Continents Split Apart in the Days of Peleg? (Dr. Andrew A. Snelling & Bodie Hodge)
    24. Vestigial Organs – Evidence for Evolution? (Dr. David N. Menton)
    25. Is Tiktaalik Evolution's Greatest Missing Link? (Dr. David N. Menton)
    26. Why Is Mount St. Helens Important to the Origins Controversy? (Dr. Steven A. Austin)
    27. What Is the Best Argument for the Existence of God? (Dr. Jason Lisle)
    28. Do Evolutionists Believe Darwin's Ideas about Evolution? (Roger Patterson & Dr. Terry Mortenson)
    29. What Are Some of the Best Flood Evidences? (Dr. Andrew A. Snelling)
    30. What Are Some Good Questions to Ask an Evolutionist? (Mike Riddle & Dr. Jason Lisle)
    31. What about Bacteria? (Dr. Joe Francis)
    32. Unicorns in the Bible? (Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell)
    33. Doesn't the Bible Support Slavery? (Paul F. Taylor & Bodie Hodge)
    34. Why Did God Make Viruses? (Dr. Jean K. Lightner)
    35. Wasn't the Bible Written by Mere Men? (Bodie Hodge)
    36. Isn't the God of the Old Testament Harsh, Brutal, and Downright Evil? (Bodie Hodge)
    37. Who Sinned First – Adam or Satan? (Bodie Hodge)
    38. How Can Someone Start a New Life in Christ? (Cecil Eggert)
    Be more effective in defending scriptural authority and the truth of Genesis as literal history. Join Ken Ham and more than a dozen other leading creation scientists and authors as they provide concise and exciting answers to some of the most-asked questions of faith in our culture today.
  • Are you ready to defend the Bible?

    The Answers books have been powerful tools in equipping believers to share and defend their faith. Now the newest release in this landmark series takes on hot-button topics like climate change, the intelligence of ancient man, the best creation evidences, and many more. Millions of people have walked away from the faith because they sought answers for what seemed a contradiction between Christian belief and scientific teaching. For those who desire a deeper walk and a thriving faith in the face of growing cultural adversity, here are answers to relevant questions our world is asking!

    33 Chapters!

    1. Does the Gospel Depend on a Young Earth? (Ken Ham)
    2. Do Plants and Leaves Die? (Dr. Michael Todhunter)
    3. Dragons ... Were They Real? (Bodie Hodge)
    4. Peppered Moths ... Evidence for Evolution? (Dr. Tommy Mitchell)
    5. Is Evolutionary Humanism the Most Blood-stained Religion Ever? (Bodie Hodge)
    6. Was Charles Darwin a Christian? (Dr. Tommy Mitchell)
    7. Cavemen ... Really? (Dr. David Menton, Dr. Georgia Purdom and John Upchurch)
    8. Should There Really Be a Battle between Science and the Bible? (Roger Patterson)
    9. What Did the Reformers Believe about the Age of the Earth? (Dr. Joel R. Beeke)
    10. What Are Some of the Best Evidences in Science of a Young Creation? (Dr. Andrew A. Snelling, Dr. David Menton, Dr. Danny R. Faulkner, and Dr. Georgia Purdom)
    11. Have People Always Been Brilliant or Were They Originally Dumb Brutes? (Don Landis)
    12. What about Living Fossils? (Dr. John Whitmore)
    13. What Is the State of the Canopy Model? (Bodie Hodge)
    14. Are There Transitional Forms in the Fossil Record? (Dr. David Menton)
    15. Could the Flood Cataclysm Deposit Uniform Sedimentary Rock Layers? (Dr. Andrew A. Snelling)
    16. Should We Be Concerned about Climate Change? (Dr. Alan White)
    17. What about Creation, Flood, and Language Division Legends? (Troy Lacey with Bodie Hodge)
    18. How Big Is the Universe? (Dr. Danny R. Faulkner)
    19. Could Noah’s Ark Have Been Made of Wood? (Tim Lovett)
    20. What about Environmentalism? (Dr. E. Calvin Beisner)
    21. What about Distant Starlight Models? (Dr. Danny R. Faulkner and Bodie Hodge)
    22. What Are the Tactics of the New Atheists? (Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell)
    23. Were There Any Volcanoes, High Mountains, and Earthquakes before the Flood? (Dr. Andrew A. Snelling)
    24. What about Beneficial Mutations? (Dr. Georgia Purdom)
    25. What about the Hebrew Language and Genesis? (Dr. Benjamin Shaw)
    26. The Recapitulation of Recapitulation: Does Embryology Prove Evolution? (Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell)
    27. Is Speciation Evidence for Creation or Evolution? (Dr. Gary Parker)
    28. Are Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) Wrong? (Dr. Andrew Fabich)
    29. What about Design Arguments Like “Irreducible Complexity”? (Dr. Stuart Burgess)
    30. What about the Origin of the Solar System and the Planets? (Dr. Danny R. Faulkner)
    31. Did Noah Need Oxygen Tanks on the Ark? (Bodie Hodge)
    32. The Image of God (Dr. Corey Abney)
    33. Dear Atheists ... Are You Tired of It All? (Bodie Hodge)
    Be more effective in defending scriptural authority and the truth of Genesis as literal history with the latest installment of The New Answers Book series! Join Ken Ham and more than a dozen other leading creation scientists and authors as they provide concise and exciting answers to some of the most-asked questions of faith in our culture today.
  • Til stadighet hører vi om hvordan materialismen utfordrer oss. Her er en Andaktsbok for Materialister - 31 lesestykker om tid, penger og vanvittig bra investeringer.
  • Lærerveiledning til «Guds verden – Trosforsvar for ungdomskolen». Lærerveiledningen gir veiledning og tips for undervisningen ut fra Elevboka. Formålet med Guds verden er å bidra til å gi elevene del i et bibelsk verdensbilde og en kristen virkelighetsforståelse.
    Elevboka bestiller du her.
  • Denne doktorgradsavhandlingen gir sterke logiske, vitenskapelige og eksperimentelle begrunnelser for at bibelbasert kristendom har en overlegen sannsynlighet for å være riktig, sammenliknet med ateisme og alle religiøse livssyn. Forfatteren argumenterer for at vi kan stole på at de 66 bøkene i Bibelen er Gud-inspirerte og uten feil, og han argumenterer overbevisende for at Gud skapte ut av ingenting ved sitt ord for rundt 6000 år siden og fullførte dette arbeidet etter seks ordinære dager. Tre forskjellige bibelske grunner, som hver enkelt er tilstrekkelig til å forkaste all makro-evolusjon, blir behandlet i detalj.
  • Ble jorden skapt på seks dager eller i løpet av millioner av år? Har Adam levd eller er han bare en mytisk figur oppfunnet av jødiske prester? Har livet utviklet seg fra encellede organismer til avanserte skapninger som aper og mennesker, eller er dyrene skapt «hvert etter sitt slag»?
  • Det er helt sikkert at Jesus kommer igjen! Vi vet AT Han kommer, vi vet HVORDAN Han kommer, men ikke NÅR Han kommer! Men Bibelen har mye å si oss om endetiden og tegnene som varsler Hans komme. Det er det denne boken handler om.
  • Salg
    En samling om flere temaer rundt tilliten til Bibelen som Guds uforanderlige og ufeilbarlige ord, skrevet av forskjellige forfattere fra Norge, Sverige, Danmark, Finland og USA.
  • Salg

    Hva er god apologetikk?

    199,00 kr
    Apologetikk, eller trosforsvar, er i vinden. Men er all apologetikk god apologetikk? Tittelen på vår nye bok impliserer det motsatte. Vi mener et grunnleggende kriterium for godt kristent trosforsvar er at det bygger på Bibelen og at det ikke på noe punkt strider mot Bibelen. Bibelen bør være sentral i kristen apologetikk. Guds Ord er det middelet Gud har forordnet til å gi lys og forstand til alle mennesker. De beste gudsargumenter er Guds egen argumenter! Forkynnelsen av Guds Ord er det beste trosforsvar.
  • Salg
    Guds verden er en skolebok i Trosforsvar. Den er beregnet for bruk i ungdomskolen, men kan også brukes i hjemmet eller på ungdomsforeningen, eller hvorfor ikke i konfirmasjonsgruppa? Boken er gjennomillustrert med mange bilder og med fakta, ordforklaringer og spørsmål. Formålet med boken er å bidra til å gi elevene del i et bibelsk verdensbilde og en kristen virkelighetsforståelse.
    Til boken hører også en lærerveiledning, se her.


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SKAPER vil utbre evangeliet og utruste troende.

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